


Angelica Pray~A Song for My Brother

Airs at: Mon, 06/13/2016 at 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Mindi Griffiths interviews Angelica Pray, a singer/songwriter from Portland, Oregon, whose unique style is described as “musique for self-governed gelfling-gangster hybrids”. She is also a non-violent communications teacher with Oregon Prison Project at Coffee Creek Correct... Read more

Come on Down to KBOO for the Winter Membership Drive

Do you want to get more involved with KBOO?  This is your time!  KBOO’s Winter Membership Drive begins Thursday, February 6th  through Saturday, February 15th.     KBOO’s existence depends on on-air membership drives as more than 80% of our funding comes from our listen... Read more

KBOO's Book and Record Sale returns! Saturday, November 14th Save The Date!

KBOO is getting ready for our annual Used Book and Record Sale on Saturday, November 14th. This year, the sale will be held at Milagro Theater, at 525 SE Stark.   There will be fabulous books, cds, vinyl, and more to grab at ridiculously low prices, and great entertainment ... Read more

Volunteer Spotlight on Shay Wright and Chris Andreae

Shay WrightShay has been a big part of KBOO's news and outreach teams since since getting involved with KBOO in 2010. After taking classes in audio production, she remembers her first job as a volunteer was recording a story about logging in Eastern Oregon, to be aired duri... Read more

Summer fun for KBOO volunteers!

There are many roles for volunteers at KBOO.  Whether you have a little time to do some ocassional projects, or if you are interested in making a weekly commitment, there are roles to suit your interests.  Our volunteer community is made up of about 500 people, doing what t... Read more

Be a part of KBOO- Volunteer for the Spring Membership Drive

Have you beein wanting to get more involved with KBOO? This is your time! The membership drive is vitally important to KBOO's independence and financial health, as 80% of our annual operating budget comes from our listeners. It's also a great way to introduce yourself to th... Read more

KBOO's Volunteer Spotlight for March, 2013

Jessy Damon came to KBOO in December of 2011, to use her skills in audio engineering, and to make connections in the Portland music industry.She found out about KBOO when a friend from the church she attended heard about her struggle to find a job in the music business. He ... Read more

Volunteers Keep KBOO Connected to Community!

KBOO brings the voices of our communities to the air with live broadcasts from celebrations, events, and cutting-edge lectures. Being able to respond to opportunities to broadcast from around town affords our listeners around the world the chance to be in touch with an exc... Read more

John Trudell "The Spoken Word" Fri U of O Eugene Oregon 8:00pm

We, at "Tillicum Wawa", are excited to announce the arrival of John Trudell to our State of Oregon!!!!John Trudell will speak at 8:00 pm, Fri., Jan 11,2013, at the U of O's Columbia Hall, Room #150, Eugene Oregon.  It is close to the Long House on Columbia Ave.& 15th st. Fo... Read more

Join the KBOO Volunteer Community in 2013

Do you want to get to know some wonderfully creative and committed people?  Do you want to learn new skills? Looking for a way to give back to your community?  Volunteer at KBOO! Did you know that there are about 500 volunteers who participate in KBOO, on and off of the air... Read more