


Introducing Volgistics!

KBOO has hundreds of amazing volunteers, who do everything at KBOO.  Volunteers staff the front desk, and the phones during membership drives; they help maintain the physical building, and audio equipment; they create thoughtful and inspiring public affairs programs, and do... Read more

Get Involved in Your Community Radio Station!

Did you know that there are about 500 volunteers who participate in KBOO, on and off of the air, to make us the best dang station around? KBOO volunteers make up a very diverse, dynamic, and engaged community. They are the people you hear on the air, and the people who make... Read more

Building the Beloved Community at KBOO

Airs at: Fri, 05/12/2017 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Beloved Community
In August 2016, KBOO completed it three-year strategic plan.    Check it out: KBOO’s vision for 2017-2020 is to become Oregon’s community media hub, leveraging the power of the airwaves to support a revolution for a just and sustainable future. It will achieve this through... Read more

Are You Radio Curious?

Have you been curious about how KBOO works?  Do you have a little time to spend with us?  If you want to check things out from the other side of your radio speakers, this is your time!  KBOO's Spring Membership Drive happens Thursday, Msy 11th , through Wednesday, May 24th,... Read more

Volunteer Spotlight on Will Mustoe

Dear Members of the KBOO Community, It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that our volunteer, Will Mustoe, passed away suddenly last week.  Will had a huge presence at the station, by providing countless hours at the front desk over the last 8 years.  He touched many pe... Read more

It Takes a Strong Community to Make Great Community Radio

KBOO is a truly unique community radio station, bringing you a wide spectrum of programming and we rely on volunteers from the community to do just about everything that needs doing.  With the various schedules for volunteering, and the wide variety of roles for volunteers,... Read more

KBOO Volunteer Spotlight

1. Please introduce yourself to the KBOO Community-- who are you, and what are you passionate about? My name is Ray Bodwell, and I’m a relatively recent retiree, having worked in the graphic arts for about 40 years. Gail (my wife) and I moved to Portland from Wilmington, D... Read more

8 Days A Week: a benefit screening for KBOO Community Radio

  KBOO Community Radio, Music Millenium, and Cinema 21 are bringing you the world premiere of Ron Howard's new documentary, 8 Days A Week!   Join us at Cinema 21, located at 616 NW 21st Ave. in Portland, on September 15th at 7pm.    This world-premiere screening — the o... Read more

Join us Saturday August 13th for our Annual Book and Record Sale!!

KBOO's annual sale of used books and records (and CDs, and DVDs, and a few other things) will happen on Saturday, August 13th, at Cider Riot, our new neighbor located at 807 NE Couch, just one block away from KBOO - noon to 7 pm! Tell your friends and family, help spread t... Read more

News In Depth on 06/23/16

Airs at: Thu, 06/23/2016 at 5:45pm - 6:00pm
Produced for News In Depth