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time or money

 What do you value more? Time or Money (be honest..and no, we don't expect that to come easily)It occurs to the Contessa more often than she likes, that it is quite a challenge to organize one's life to suit one's values. In fact, it is'a difficult at times to identify what... Read more

badiou on the communist hypothesis

Here on the Old Mole we try to be uplifting; we like to focus not just on political critique, but also on the ways that  ordinary folks can make a difference, the ways that even when the gardens of Versailles seem undisturbed, the mole of revolution is digging away undergro... Read more

Station Schedule on the Way...

Programmers may be noticing outdated information on the website regarding their programs.  One of the most commonly reported problems is when a show is listed as "currently unscheduled."  This is because the current date system can only report information on the current wee... Read more

Athens Boys Choir 4/15 show

Join us Tues April 15 when we hear from Athens Boys Choir talking about life, youth, performing, medical care and his new video!From his website: So, the name Athens Boys Choir can be a bit deceiving but you can't blame a Transsexual man living in the Deep South for having ... Read more

LGBTQ Meaningful Care Conference

LGBTQ Meaningful Care Conference is happening Friday April 11, 2008 at the Convention Center. This is an all-day best-practices conference for health care and social services professionals.The LGBTQ Meaningful Care Conference is a key local effort to improve the health of l... Read more

What's This Here Program All About For Crying Out Loud?

  So you may be wondering - " What exactly is the "Vinyl Pajama Party"®™©?( And Who Is That Good -Lookin' Guy?).........A fair question......... many have asked, and most, sadly enough, have failed to get an adequate answer. The only true answer can be found every other ear... Read more