What's This Here Program All About For Crying Out Loud?



So you may be wondering - " What exactly is the "Vinyl Pajama Party"®™©?( And Who Is That Good -Lookin' Guy?).........A fair question......... many have asked,
and most, sadly enough, have failed to get an adequate answer. The only true answer can be found every other early Tuesday morning from
3 am to 530 am(PST) on this here fine radio station. Each of us must truly find out for ourselves...........Are you ready................................................................................?
Go ahead - give it a try!



Greetings Bro,
Thanks for directing me to your blog. I like the photo. You should go back to Yearbookyourself.com and add an updated pic. Too bad you don't have a nicely laid out photo from when you had you little bike accident. You could use that.
Take care, Ken

If I passed you on the street I would have walked on by. But then Its been a long while since I last saw you
in Dec '99 when I retired from the grand life of a postalcarrier.

Brian's picture

<p>&nbsp;Ah yes....life'll kill ya..... &nbsp;That Picture is a sad representation &nbsp;of the REAL ME !!!</p>