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Girls Rock!

 Girls Rock!  the movie about Portland’s Rock and Roll Camp for Girls  which has inspired other girls rock camps opens March 7 at Cinema 21.Be there! Reviewed on the Old Mole Variety Hour 3-3-08. Read more

The Ani DiFranco show is sold out!

I was hoping to see Ani's show here at the Crystal on Friday April 18. My bad, my very bad, for not going to get tickets. I almost cried when I heard the show is sold out. I've seen Ani play live countless times over the years but not in the recent past. And not since she's... Read more

CLR James

Born in Trinidad in 1901, CLR James was a leftist writer and social theorist until his death in 1989. In the 1930s, he worked for West Indian Independence, and moved to Britain, where he wrote a number of novels, and was the cricket reporter for the Manchester Guardian. ... Read more

Jump Into the Volunteer Pool NOW! It's time for the Spring Membership Drive

Ah, the birds are migrating, the flowers are budding, and spring is getting springy,  must be time for the KBOO Spring Membership Drive!  The Drive runs on air from Saturday, March 22nd through Friday, April 11th; and we need to fill over 900 volunteer shifts.  This is a gr... Read more

Party planning and more opportunities to give back to KBOO

In June KBOO turns 40. 40 years strong, 40 years young, 40 years of activism, 40 years of fun! We are planning to party in true KBOO style the weekend of June 21. Andrew and I are heading up the party planning and we need your help! We're looking to make it quite the extrav... Read more

DIY, Portland: Education Roundup

DUE TO SOME TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES WITH THE KBOO SITE, THIS EPISODE IS ONLY AVAILABLE AT DESTINATION DIY AT THIS TIME. We're revisiting last year’s series on do-it-yourself education. You’ll hear voices from the Portland Free Skool and the Waypost, as well as Matthew Stadle... Read more