time or money




What do you value more? Time or Money (be honest..and no, we don't expect that to come easily)

It occurs to the Contessa more often than she likes, that it is quite a challenge to organize one's life to suit one's values. In fact, it is'a difficult at times to identify what it is we truly value. Many people do not struggle with this question, and it is they I envy.

How blissful it must be to accept the widespread cultural beliefs that are designed to cultivate a dream that the future will finally bring some rest, dreams that you will work until you reach retirement, that you and your significant other will grow old together, and hopefully you will die together peacefully at the exact same time in your sleep or that you children will nurture you in your elder years.

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Money I gave or was taken away, phitzz, gone.
Time is the web, I am the spider. Without it, I will become a point.