Fight the Empire on 11/19/20



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Air date: 
Thu, 11/19/2020 - 9:00am to 9:30am
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Dear Per,

Correction on your repeated references to coco oligarch Petro Poroshenko as Ukrainian leader. He was voted out last year and this gent with wider base of popular support drawn from his TV production company and long advocacy on air waves for cleaning up Ukrainian institutional and individual corruption (with a purposeful satirical sense of
humor about such clean up government efforts)
Volodymyr Zelensky

Here's a comment I made on THE COMMONS the COMMON DREAMS reader comment section of news\views referencing the Biden Burisma attempt by Rudy Giuliani as Trump's agent to capitalize on a smear of Joe Biden via his son's acceptance of over a million dollars in salaried role as board member on the Ukrainian equivalent of ENRON, namely BURISMA which neither the Democrats nor the U.S. corporate captured media not even the GOP pre-Trump made much of a stink about.

We may have all been harmed far worse by Trump & Co.

Yet, Giuliani, who early in his career did indeed make a name for himself by successfully criminally prosecuting Suite Crime of the White Collar variety in corrupt NYC before he institutionalized the substitution of Street Crime for Public Prosecutors to prioritize, that Giuliani’s info on President Status Quo MBNA Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden taking a cool few million dollars not drachmas from the Ukrainian Enron dba BURISMA for sitting on their Board of Directors is cold hard fact.

Hunter Biden had nothing in the way of expertise for an energy market-maker in Europe’s largest land-mass nation-state of institutional corruption plagued Ukraine to offer in exchange for his corporate retainer. Would anything be more valuable to Ukraine’s own Robber Baron market monopolizing Enron in their own public\private partnership cartel dba BURISMA than having the son of a U.S. Vice President with a good chance of becoming a two-term President on their letterhead, web-page masthead and right at the top of their global business prospectus? Especially when that VP was the Obama administration’s point-man on investigating Ukrainian institutional corruption?!?!?!

Where was the DNC outrage? Where were registered Democratic Party voters’ outrage? How muffled could Speaker Pelosi’s outrage be? What about those Senators from Wall Street, Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton’s outrage?

We know Goldman Sachs hierarchy likely weren’t outraged. Doesn’t matter whose money is being laundered, errrrr wealth managed in their Supermarket of Financial Services Wealth Management Paulson ABACUS type of fund on offer. Goldman Sachs share-holders benefit and the brokers and execs on the Business Insider compensation plan for Golden Passports retain the Professional Immunity from criminal prosecution that Democratic Obama-Biden’s cabinet stocked full of Wall Street Apex Predators came to depend on in keeping malfeasance and fraud well-entrenched in bid-net models that the TARP tax-payer bail out of banksters has institutionalized under former Obama-Biden Top Cop Eric Holder’s TOO BIG TO FAIL\JAIL mass media meme turned Justice Department policy.

Professional Immunity is now even de rigueur for municipal Police Forces and Police Unions who are now apparently considered too BLUE to Fail\Jail or criminally prosecute (even with benefit of Presidential pardons, another record broken by CEO TRUMP).

Check the ZOOM invitation as the newly elected Democratic Administration, like deja vu after Bush-Cheney-Paulson enters to clean up the Fiscally Responsible Helluva mess left by Hollywood Steve Mnuchin and the Red Team’s Good Government filled with the best Public Interest and Public Service practices that Trump and Christian penitent Pence could appoint to run the U.S. Postal Service, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Department of the Interior, State Department, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Uber-ized Labor, Department of Commerce .

Let us not forget the budget cuts over the Trump 4 years to the Centers for Disease Control and Public Health while the Pentagon and bi-partisan PRIVATIZED NATIONAL SECURITY STATE’s Daddy Warbucks got Democratic Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s House Approval and fiscally responsible GOP Senate’s approving jowls a jiggling under mean Red Dragon Mitch McConnell’s gavel. Not for building Public Housing or even Homeless Shelters, but for budgets well above what these profit-maximizers at our NANNY STATE-dependent Corporate Caliphate even asked Santa for in the budget process and come Christmas…
The Pentagon's Bottomless Money Pit

The Pentagon's Bottomless Money Pit
Matt Taibbi

When the Defense Department flunked its first-ever fiscal review, one of our government’s greatest mysteries was...

Which is, as many in the Religious Left always point out (where’s the Evangelicals and Catholic Church hierarchy and Jewish\Zionist organizations who should be joining this ecumenical Abrahamic choir?), a government budget, especially in the wealthiest nation human history has ever recorded and where wealth is now concentrated beyond anything in those records have known, government budgets are moral\immoral or amoral document(s) when it comes down to our national tracking of complicity for the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Police Militarization. Not to mention with compliance of the most frequently repeated scriptural calls and prescribed paths…

Health and balance in our time of Pandemic Plague
Keep on doing

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters and Song Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)
Media Discussion List and Looksee

Hope Per that you and your family are holding up under this global GASLIGHT campaign via the Pandemic Plague.
I've gone around the bend mentally and emotionally a few times but holding on physically while still working shifts
shlepping online orders at FRED MEYER\KROGER on Walker Road near Nike Campus in Beaverton.

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