NEW in KBOO music library August 5, 2013



New in KBOO music library August 5, 2013


Adam, SethSteel Tempered PrideSelf ReleasedRegular Rock
Shiflett, Chris and the Dead PeasantsAll Hat and No CattleLe Coq NapoleonRegular Rock
Holder, AliIn Preparation for Saturn's ReturnLometaRegular Rock
MT WarningForward MilesSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
Thriftstore MasterpieceTrouble is a Lonesome TownSide One DummyAlt Rock
Summer CannibalsNo MakeupNew MossAlt Rock
Causa SuiEuporie TideEl ParaisoAlt Rock
Mobius, GuidoThough the Darkness GathersKaraoke KalkElectronica
SaroosReturnStrange ChildElectronica
Meridian BrothersDevocion (works 2005-2011)StaubgoldLatin Rock
V/ABush Taxi MaliSublime FrequenciesAfrica
Arise RootsMoving ForwardSelf ReleasedReggae
Cliff, JimmyThe KCRW SessionUniversalReggae
Cotten, Elizabeth and Anderson, MarisaKBOO PresentsMississippiTraditional Folk
California HoneydropsSoul TubSelf ReleasedR&B
California HoneydropsSpreadin' HoneySelf ReleasedR&B
Easton, TimNot CoolThirty TigersRegular Rock
Saxon, BrettReview of the EndSelf ReleasedRegular Rock
Chapin, JenReckoningPurple ChairRegular Rock
Glorioso, KatyFine and FoolishSelf ReleasedRegular Rock
Kate, MollyOf the OceanSelf ReleasedRegular Rock
Mandolin OrangeThis Side of JordanYep RocRegular Rock
Barwick, JulianaNepentheDead OceansAlt Rock
The Legendary Pink DotsThe Gethsamane OptionMetropolis RecordsAlt Rock
Singer, LiamArc IrisHidden ShoalAlt Rock
Ginger and the GhostOne Type of DarkSelf ReleasedElectronica
Bullock, AmberSo In LoveMusic WorldGospel
Johnson, Le'AndriaThe ExperienceMusic WorldGospel
V/AWomen of BrazilPutumayoBrazil