

Iran reveals false US video of clash in Gulf of Hormuz

Airs at: Tue, 01/08/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for Evening News
 The Iranian Government has accused the United States government of  fabricating video  it released of a clash between the two powers in the Gulf of Hormuz. KBOO reporter Chris Andrea has a report.  Read more

Mandatory declassification opens book on Vietnam War

Airs at: Tue, 01/08/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for Evening News
 Mandatory declassification of a National Security Agency report reveals that United States officials lied during the Vietnam War to get the American people to go along with an escalation of the war.Kboo reporter Martha Odom has the story. Read more

Per Fagereng interviews David Barsamian re: Pakistan, Bhutto.

Airs at: Wed, 01/09/2008 at 4:00pm
Thursday Radiozine - Host Per Fagereng interviews radio producer and author David Barsamian of Alternative Radio about his recent trip to Pakistan, India and Kashmir and his perspective on the life and death of Benazir Bhutto. Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for January 7, 2008

Airs at: Sun, 01/06/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Today's show is hosted by Tom Becker.  It begins with a Bill Resnick interview with Anita Weiss about what's going on in Pakistan and why the US should not engage in military action there.  Larry Bowlden reviews Alice McDermott's novel At Weddings and Wakes--a "quiet novel... Read more

Prospects for Pakistan

Airs at: Sun, 01/06/2008 at 4:00pm
 Antita Weiss talks with The Old Mole's Bill Resnick about the current situation in Pakistan, nuclear weapons,  and the consequences of possible US military action there.  Weiss is Professor of International Studies at the University of Oregon and the author of several book... Read more

Conn Hallinan - Assessing Iraq

Airs at: Thu, 01/03/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for Radiozine
Host Per Fagereng interviews Conn Hallinan, columnist for Foreign Policy In Focus, about two of his recent articles. In "Death at a Distance: The U.S. Air War," Hallinan says "an enormous intensification of U.S. bombardments" in Iraq and Afghanistan entails an "increasing ... Read more

Quakers Speak about Issues at Palestine-Israel Peace Talks

Airs at: Tue, 11/27/2007 at 4:00pm
Produced for Evening News
As George Bush hastily made his entrance and exit at a one-day Israel-Palestine peace talk in Annapolis Maryland yesterday, others in the area were organizing events to bring attention to issues that weren’t addressed in the summit.Phil Karoum is with the Annapolis Friends ... Read more

Bombs tested on Hawaiian army base w/depleted uranium

Airs at: Tue, 11/27/2007 at 4:00pm
Produced for Evening News
On Hawaii’s Big Island, U-S Air Force planes are dropping unarmed bombs the size of a small automobile.The first fear was of a bomb missing its target and hitting a school or hospital.But now, as we reported yesterday on KBOO News, the army base where the practice bombs are... Read more

Interview w/Bonnie Tinker at Recruiting Center

Airs at: Thu, 12/27/2007 at 4:00pm
Produced for Evening News
The Seriously Pissed-Off Grannies staged a protest in front of the Broadway Military Recruiting Center today, with the theme 'Peace on Earth means No to War'. KBOO's Jenka Soderberg spoke with Bonnie Tinker, one of the grannies who participated:  Read more

Pakistan's role in the world(Interview w/Stephen Zunes)

Airs at: Wed, 11/28/2007 at 4:00pm
Produced for Evening News
As President Pervez Musharraf steps down as the head of the military in Pakistan, KBOO took the opportunity to speak with Professor Stephen Zunes about what this means:  Read more