Criminalizing Native Dissent



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Air date: 
Wed, 08/08/2018 - 8:00am to 9:00am
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Wednesday Talk Radio


Jacqueline Keeler welcomes two Native activists who've been targeted by law enforcement for their politcal expressions.

Tracy Molina is a Native veteran and activist who was arrested on Saturday at the Patriot Prayer Rally in downtown Portland. She was charged with second-degree disorderly conduct and attempted assault on a police officer. 

However, video of her arrest clearly shows a police officer in full riot gear grabbing her sign, seemingly without provocation, as Molina is walking away and then he pushing her to the ground. Seconds later, as she is on the ground, several police officers jump on her.

She was also later charged with attempting to assault a police officer and interfering with a police officer and is facing two years of jail time all for as she says, "for having a sign in my hands and back peddling because they were whipping their batons at us."

Link to video at Portland's Resistance's FB page:

Molina will be reading a statement at a rally at Portland City Hall at 9 am after the show.

Also on the show is Klee Benally, a Diné anarchist and activist will discuss his recent experience with the TSA and what it means to be on the 'SSSS' list. Klee has been arrested multiple times and faced state survielance and violence in his years long advocacy for protection of sacred places. He also conducts direct action trainings and know your rights workshops. As founder of Indigenous Action he is publisher of the Pocket ‘Zine: Film The Police & Know Your Rights.



Jacqueline Keeler is a Diné/Ihanktonwan Dakota writer and contributor to The Nation, High Country News, Yes! Magazine and many other publications. Her book “The Edge of Morning: Native Voices Speak for the Bears Ears” is available from Torrey House Press and the forthcoming “Standing Rock to the Bundy Standoff: Occupation, Native Sovereignty, and the Fight for Sacred Landscapes” will be released next year.

Jacqueline Keeler's Not Your Disappearing Indian podcast is taking over Wednesday Talk Radio this Summer.  Find more episodes on iTunes and Soundcloud.

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