This week on Century of Lies: The Wind of Change.
United for Marijuana Decriminalization is a coalition of marijuana policy reform organizations. They held a news conference October Fifth to discuss how the Biden Administration can move forward to advance marijuana decriminalization and to center equity approaches throughout the federal government. On this edition of Century we hear from Cat Packer, Director of Drug Markets and Legal Regulation at the Drug Policy Alliance; Shaleen Title, Founder and Director of the Parabola Center for Law and Policy; Maritza Perez Medina, Director of Federal Affairs at the Drug Policy Alliance; and Natacha Andrews, Executive Director of the National Association of Black Cannabis Lawyers.
Plus, we hear from Doctor Benjamin Riordan, a post-doctoral research fellow in the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, who recently gave a presentation to the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre entitled The Wind of Change? Alcohol, Media, and Emerging Technology.