After a 17 year battle, communities across Southern Oregon (and the rest of the region) finally defeated the massive Jordan Cove LNG Export terminal proposed for Coos Bay. But not long after that victory a new fracked gas behemoth threatens the region again. Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN), a 1,354 mile long pipeline that cuts through British Columbia, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, is proposing to increase the volume of fracked gas through its existing pipeline by 150 million cubic feet per day. This expansion would accelerate climate change, harm public health in communities across the pipeline route, and contradicts Oregon and Washington state policy commitments to reducing climate pollution.
On this episode of Locus Focus we talk with Maig Tinnin, Rogue Climate's Rogue Valley Coordinator, about the dire impacts of this pipeline expansion and the widespread community campaign to stop it.
People can submit a comment to FERC in opposition to GTN XPress by visiting our website at: https://rogueclimate.org/ferc-comments/
And can sign up for email updates and more information on the upcoming People's Hearing by putting "GTN" in the notes section of our email signup at https://rogueclimate.org/stay-connected/