Too Much Information with Abe and Traci on 12/13/22



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Air date: 
Tue, 12/13/2022 - 8:00am to 9:00am
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Episode Playlist

  • Time
    Édith Piaf
    La foule
    La môme
    Parlophone France
  • Time
    David Bowie
    Andy Warhol (1999 Remaster)
    Andy Warhol (1999 Remaster)
    WMG - Jones/Tintoretto Entertainment Company LLC
  • Time
    Gary Clark Jr.
    Come Together
    Come Together
    Warner Bros.


ulpanaylaylo's picture

Dear Traci and Abe,

Perhaps some stray listener this morning will come to your Too Much Information program page to listen again via the audio archive. If so, since there is no information here on your program page of the heated voice coming through multiple callers who like yourselves feels the Corporate Democrats keep selling U.S. out and the GOP is more skillful at tactically keeping their base unified. Like your low hanging fruit targeted this morning, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican-Georgia )
who won her reelection as sold-out workers are too desperate to parse differences in policy outcomes between the Identity Politics of the Right Wing Bid-Net Men and Women like Mitch McConnell or Trumpsters like Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia as the Corporate Democrats like their loony Daddy Warbucks Right Wing counterparts among the Armies of God Left Behind quietly go about doing Wall Street and London's bidding.

Given the academic quantification of Worker Wage Stag-Nation around the world over the past half-century driving the also quantified Wealth Concentration among the fewest humans in quantified human history, while Illth or spreading of Illness via poverty despite all the technical advances that have made the Wealthiest of the Wealthy so comfortable remains among the Sins of Omission rather than sins of commission as great now deceased Texas Media Critic Molly Ivins used to emphasize in her more radical leftie critiques that became increasingly less palatable in the corporate-captured News Media.

One of those Sins of Omission that dear Molly Ivins warned U.S. helps the real scandals of our legally elected governments seep and creep to control the mind of our body politic all the while keeping Oligarch Wealth increasing off-the-charts and shared out among the corporate officers while here on Planet of the Clock Punchers Wage Slaves have to risk their lives going to work on the railroad plantation with ZERO DAYS SICK LEAVE EVEN DURING GLOBAL PANDEMIC IN PERPETUITY. Is that a Corporate\Government conspiracy? Social historian critics like Michael Parenti prefer to call such legal business modeling "bid-net as usual."

Meanwhile, the President (a Democrat in Name Only for his lifetime in the Senate before helping Barak Obama sell those of U.S. on Planet of the Clock Punchers out), in any postmortem of Delaware Senator Joseph Biden's policy outcomes (a record of policies he's advocated and voted on in office) lopsidedly privileges the Private Interest over the Public Interest. Candidate and Public Servant Biden remains even more cagey as Commander In Chief to never discuss or allow his Senatorial policy outcomes to be questioned except selectively and introduced by Biden His Time in front of a live recording device when he rolls out his Green New Deal bills that invariably get re-named the INFLATION REDUCTION ACT due to internal pressure from even more Corporate Democrats seeking to transfer the gains of Climate Change and Pandemic In Perpetuity to the Corporate Sector.

Note and hold it to the career politician as U.S. Senator from his 30th birthday to the present Public Servant Biden's record as a U.S. Senator that he faithfully privileged and so represented the Du Pont family fortune back in his feudal lord legal fiction Postal Mail Box sized state of Delaware and backed every call from either Duopoly Political Party to further the oligarchical and plutocratic aims of HIGH FInance from Wall Street to London via shifting more of our National E-CON-O-MY over from production and services to Finance, Privatization and Rentier shares of what is now our so-called "Gross National Product (GNP)." If Diversification helps national economies, Biden has been among our oligarch career politicians who've sabotaged our national economy. That is a lot to answer for!

Even as he touted his bare chest, beer drinking flummoxed syntax Scranton-bred working class bona fides.

As Mother Jones reminded U.S. while the Democratic Party Corporate Leadership made sure Biden got the bid and not a Democratic Socialist like Bernie Sanders:

So let U.S. look at how most Labor Unions (notable exceptions being Longshore Workers unloading China's metastasizing share of Global Trade and Teamsters who drive the trucks overland to serve the Top Priority of Executive\Shareholder Maximized Profits via what are called Just In Time Supply Lines that "optimize logistics of the Global Supply Chains") have resisted the past 50 years of quantified Wage Stag-Nation across the Nations of the academically peer-reviewed world.

Like the railroad workers that Biden just sold out by refusing to fight for even a measly 7 Days of Paid Sick Leave in the midst of the Public Health Catastrophe that has been the U.S. Corporate Captured Health Care (dba ObamaCare) System's policy outcome when compared to our main Trade Competition in Europe where most member nation-states by pooling costs of a well-fed, housed, publicly educated from pre-school through higher education and\or accredited trade school has secured new generations that offer double or triple paid Sick Leave along with Parental (both maternal and paternal) Paid Leave for Workers demonstrating in secular Europe truly religious scriptural Family Values.

Did Big Labor make the Public Health RISK Connection between railroad union members being forced to work through even Global Pandemic In Perpetuity situ without even 7 Days of Paid Sick Leave?

When I said on the phone call you were gracious enough to put on the air this morning that we have to be careful not to let the more tactically smart GOP and Corp Dems turn U.S. on Planet of the Clock Punchers against our small percentage of salaried Union Reps, like those that settled last Christmas Season's strike against KROGER the monopolist grocer on the first day of picketing without a union member vote!

And that was after the major sucking sound of a post WW II Keynesian fed and balanced Third World Great Depression Underclass coming home (if they were White) to GI Bills, subsidized low-income homes, higher education and all sorts of social programs that made our nearly century long boom\bust cycle cities and new generations into Impoverished Precariat Top Down command and controlled screen and opioid addicts without a clue as to how to center critical thinking in nationally funded higher education!

That anti-competition\Anti-Trust crime of Kroger buying out their competition over decades of White Collar Crime as they now threaten to do by buying up Safeway and Albertson's that were bought up a decade ago by Wall Street's Capital Holdings NON-GROCER named Cerberus Capital Management
was allowed because of the Sins of Omission of our corporate-captured media not having any Labor Beat Reporters and our broadcast News all being under-written by the corporate elites who've concentrated our national wealth earned the hard way by our Wage Slave Stag-Nation and Food Stamp Nation's most productive work force on the planet being even less represented than the Identity Politics groups targeted by the GOP organization of Hate Groups into union busting cadres of prescription drugged workers in the rust belts of this land being herded by the Hate Mongers.

Oh, didja notice who the newest Corporate Underwriter of our Free Market U.S. Corporation of Public Broadcasting (CPB=NPR+PBS+CyberPlatforms) is? None other than the Kroger Coast-to-Coast Grocery monopolizer. Here in the Pacific NW up through Alaska where the Fred Meyer Family Stores were bought out by Kroger but kept the folksy down-home sounding and even union-fronted bid-net corporate brand. Except for all those store brands within the Fred Meyer Family stores that do bid-net as Kroger or the Organic and Vegan version of Kroger: Simple Truth, greenwashed 'natch...

Kroger was allowed decades ago by the Corporate Looted U.S. Justice Department (our top cop that grants immunity to White Collar Crime, see under Obama's Top Cop that instituted the TOO BIG TO FAIL\JAIL precedent, namely Justice Department's Top Cop Eric Holder who along with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) green-lighted the buy out of Kroger Corp's regional competition like the Fred Meyer Family stores. Where Kroger had to accept a feeble UFCW Union contract rather than bust the union entirely as most Kroger stores that were bought out by smaller regional grocers were non-union shops.

We want to TRANSFORM UNIONS to revive their working class members to be more active in getting the info they need to do what the global Great Resig-NATION is doing without union organization by workers just leaving these corporate-wealth concentrating jobs with the legal Business Models like Under-staffing and de-professionalizing contributes to PUBLIC HEALTH RISKS especially in the domestic food business where our supply lines now look like the old Soviet Inventory System with consolidated ownership even of BABY FORMULA has spread the empty shelves of BABY FOOD in the wealthiest nation and most wide-spread impoverished wealth-concentrated FOOD STAMP NATION and NORMALIZATION OF HOMELESS NATION here on Planet of the Clock Punchers in quantified human history:

So please, don't fall into the UNION BASHING TRAP. Keep up to date however on non-profit organizations like MORE PERFECT UNION and see the investigative journalism that workers and the blue collar classes have given up on ever finding at MicroSoft NBC or the FOX NEWS HATE Casters and defenders of corporate wealth concentration. LOOK AT THIS AND SPREAD THE NEWS AND SHAME YOUR OWN UNION REPS INTO DEMANDING STORIES LIKE THIS GET COVERED IN THE CORPORATE-CAPTURED PRIVATE INTEREST RATHER THAN PUBLIC INTEREST news\public affairs media.

Headline you'll never see in the business section or on National Public Relations Radio (NPR) where the Kroger Corporate Execs who've been buying back the public stock as part of their ballooning Pandemic In Perpetuity Profit Soaked Compensation plan:
"Exclusive: Leaked Memo Reveals Kroger Executives Knew For Years That Most Workers Live In Poverty"
Sub-header quote from the missing voice of a blue collar worker in U.S.
“I literally work at a grocery store and can't afford to eat regularly.”

Health and balance to all well-intentioned alternative Public Interest News Workers.
Keep on doing Abe & Traci and KBOO remaining staff, but DEEPEN PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING on how our corporate-captured games of Pay2Play have been won by the winners of the WEalth CONcentration Sweepstakes.............

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers
Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)
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