Police Arrest Twelve for Trespassing at Regence


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Thu, 10/15/2009 - 12:00am
Police Arrest Twelve for Trespassing at Regence

Police arrested 12 people today for trespassing outside the Portland headquarters for Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon. The acts of civil disobedience were met by similar direct actions in nine cities across the country organized by Healthcare Now and the Center for the Working Poor. KBOO reporter David Rosenfeld filed this report.

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OK guys, KBOO gave this a lot of air time.  Some folks said "we're going to get ourselves arrested", they went out and did so, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield spokesperson actually made sense saying the protest was misguided being aimed at a not for profit health care company, and then the people who were arrested are re-interviewed after being released on bail.  Yawn ...If anyone wants to organize something useful, I'll turn out.  How about organizing a permitted rally and march through Portland to show public desire for a public option, and to get rid of the fines in the current health care bill?  Now that would get the attention of our representatives.  I remember the rally and march before the beginning of the Iraq war, now that was amazing.  How about 100,000 persons marching through Portland for a better health care bill?  That would be effective... I'll show up for that.  Twelve people being arrested for trespass?  Yawn ...

There have been public option and single payer rallies almost weekly in and around Portland organized by MoveOn, HCAN and Jobs with Justice. Have you gone to one? If not, maybe that's why they don't generally draw 100,000 people. There are usually a few hundred. Twelve people getting arrested to me means a lot more. Another mild-mannered protest? Now THAT would be a yawn.

When you know what you are talking about hold a protest.  Your signs and shirts didn't even make sense.  Regence is in support of Healthcare reform and is a not for profit.  Try targeting the real villians in this debate which is the hospitals, doctors and pharmaceutical companies that steal from us every chance they get.  Give me a break, Regence is not printing money in the basement, they are only paying for claims for coverage we purchase.  Do you expect your car insurance to pay when your home burns down because you were to stupid to buy homeowners.  Get a grip on the real problem and target the right people because your stupidity is showing.

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