Quarantining with Sound Artists and Dungeons and Dragons


Authored by: 
20 sided die on skill sheet
Published date: 
Thursday, May 28, 2020 - 9:30pm
Produced for (Program name): 


This Friday Night/Saturday Morning, May 30th from 12-3am

Threshold Shift has another long-form radio adventure featuring new in-quarantine recordings and compositions from old favorites, Slavek Kwi from Ireland, Benoit Bories from France, and Dr. Jacob Job from Colorado. We'll also be featuring a new local contributor, Colin Ohnemus, who will be peeling back the layers of Dungeon Mastering and allowing us a ring-side seat for listening in on one of his longest-standing Dungeons and Dragons game worlds, Eskara. Will any of our heroes survive? Tune in tonight night to find out. The show will be archived for later listening on the episode page, which also features more links to all of the contributors recent projects and other works.