Recent Blog Posts


FNB Politics

Apropos of my earlier post, here's Rick Perstein from March 2007:... Rush Limbaugh calls the insufficiently martial Iraq Study Group “James Baker’s Fruit Salad.” To those with good memories who pay very close attention, this is a reference to the former secretary of state’s... Read more

Photos working again!

Hello everyone, We've got more updates on the way but I wanted to make sure everyone knows that the ability to post photos is working again.  You'll find a photo icon (looks like a landscape picture) in the menu of the "body" area where you type descriptions of things.  You... Read more

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair

Mother Jones has the dirt on the Pentagon's abiding interest in history as a means to maintain American hegemony. Seems the Defense Department believes that studying the Macedonians, Romans, Mongols, and Napoleonic French can impart lessons as to how we can shore up our mil... Read more

Racist dog-whistles

As usual, Digby says it better than I can:Here's a piece of McCain campaign manager Rick Davis's press release from last week:Barack Obama is the biggest celebrity in the world, comparable to Tom Cruise, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. As he told Congressional Democrats ye... Read more

Wouldn't want to be rude

Apparently, the myriad violations of the Constitution carried out by the Bushies warrant an investigation. But criminal prosecutions? Convictions? We wouldn't want to be rude.From 4, 2008 | WASHINGTON -- On the campaign trail in April, Barack Obama was asked ... Read more

Do you love'a animal? How?

One reader discusses the merit of'a caring for a pet, particularly a dog, and the wonders of unconditional love from'a that pet. Yes, people love animals in many ways, and animals love humans in a couple of'a ways. It is'a no shame to feel that animals are more affectionate... Read more