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New CDs in music library November 16, 2012

Kalb, Danny    Moving in Blue    Sojourn    Blues Walton, Joyce    Texas Heat    Pinnacle    Blues Miller, Buddy & Jim Lauderdale    Buddy & Jim    New West    C&W Ortega, Linda    Cigarettes & Truckstops    Last Gang    C&W Toner, Niall    Onwards & Upwards    Pass the Grass ... Read more

new in KBOO music library 11/9/2012

Klassik    In the Making    Self-released    Hiphop Main Attrakionz    Bossalinis & Fooliyones    Young One    Hiphop Myles, William    Ypop Chapter 1    Redeemed    Hiphop Philadelphia Slick    Everything's Game    Self-released    Hiphop Philadelphia Slick    Culture Industr... Read more

Gourd Art show by Toni Goldenberg Eugene Oregon 11-10 and 11-11-12

Hi everyone!   On November 10th and 11th, Saturday and Sunday, I am hosting an open studio. There will be refreshments, my newest Gourd art ,jewelery and sign ups for gourd classes.Come and relax and perhaps find a gourd piece you love. Looking forward to seeing you here.  T... Read more

Tribute to John Talley

I met John T in 1982 when I first moved to Portland after a devorce. I sat down to listen to the radio and on came John's show "Indian World". I was so thrilled to hear some traditional Native music, I got up and danced and then later I called him to tell him how grateful I... Read more

Tribute to John Talley

I met John T in 1982 when I first moved to Portland after a devorce. I sat down to listen to the radio and on came John's show "Indian World". I was so thrilled to hear some traditional Native music, I got up and danced and then later I called him to tell him how grateful I... Read more

Gaurd artist Toni Goldengerg-guest on 10/19/12 Listen on "archived shows"" of Tillicum Wawa

Toni Goldberg's Gourd Scenes On October 19, 2012, Tillicum Wawa interviewed Penny Painter about the East Portland Neighborhood Economic Development Summit and encoraging Natives to attent. We also had gourd scene artist, Toni Goldenberg ( and... Read more