Diana Block



Produced by: 
Air date: 
Wed, 06/17/2009 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

 A life long political activist, Diana Block has been involved in many struggles for liberation both in American and internationally. She has written for political journals and women’s magazines and currently edits The Fire Inside, the newsletter of the California Coalition for Women Prisoners. She has recently published a memoir titled Arm the Spirit, published on AK Press.

On this episode of Circle A radio, we will learn about Diana’s radicalization, her years underground, the process of coming back above ground, and more.

Diana will be speaking Wednesday, June 24th, at 7 pm at In Other Words, located at 8 NE Killingsworth St, in Portland. For more information about the event, go to www.inotherwords.org, or to Diana’s website, armthespirit.com

She will also be speaking Thursday, June 25th, 7:30 pm at Left Bank Books 92 Pike St, Seattle WA.

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