Queering Sex, Love and Relationships



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Air date: 
Tue, 02/14/2012 - 12:00am
Queering Sex, Love and Relationships

To celebrate Valentines Day, we are queering sex, love and relationships with a two hour special!

We welcome Myshkin, from Myshkin's Ruby Warblers, to the show and we'll feature new music from her latest record 'That Diamond Lust'.  Tracks from the album featured on this show included "Pity" "Whalebone Skirt" "Hoopa" "Lucky" and "Saturnalia."

We also welcome Molly Franks, Health Educator from Multnomah County Health Department's STD/HIV/Hep C programs. Molly will update us on the Health Department's health promotion work, and we discuss latest trends with sexually transmitted infections. She also shares tips for preventing STIs, where to get tested for STIs, and why communication is so important in relationships.

Kyle Z, Certified Clinical Sexologist and a certified Sex Educator, joins the conversation later in the show. Kyle will address common questions about sexual health, and he'll offer tools for self care for healthy relationships. Kyle answers questions from the community about sexual health, healthy relationships, preventing sexually transmitted infections, and just about anything you might ask about sex. 

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