Will Seaman joins Abe and Joe to discuss the upcoming March 19 Peace March and Rally.



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Air date: 
Tue, 03/15/2011 - 12:00am
Will Seaman joins Abe and Joe to discuss the upcoming March 19 Peace March and Rally.

Hosted by Joe Uris and Abe Proctor

Sometimes lost amid the background noise of the American political and social landscape is the fact that we're still at war. Nearly 10 years on, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have reaped a grim harvest of blood and treasure. Is there a way out? How long will U.S forces remain? Does the violence and unrest spreading through North Africa and the Middle East threaten to draw us in elsewhere? Is it still worth our time to resist? In advance of Saturday's big anti-war rally and march, activist Will Seaman visits the show to tackle these compelling questions and more.


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