Robert Michael Pyle chronicles search for 800 butterflies in "Mariposa Road"

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Air date: 
Thu, 09/30/2010 - 12:00am
Robert Michael Pyle on Searching for Butterflies

Host Kathleen Stephenson interviews Robert Michael Pyle, the author of fourteen books, including Chasing Monarchs, Where Bigfoot Walks, and Wintergreen, which won the John Burroughs Medal. A Yale-trained ecologist and a Guggenheim fellow, he is a full-time writer living in southwestern Washington. He'll talk about his new book, Mariposa Road, which tracks his search for as many of the 800 American butterflies as he can find.   Like Pyle’s classic Chasing Monarchs, Mariposa Road recounts his adventures, high and low, in tracking down butterflies in his own low-tech, individual way. Accompanied by Marsha, his cottonwood-limb butterfly net; Powdermilk, his 1982 Honda Civic with 345,000 miles on the odometer; and the small Leitz binoculars he has carried for more than thirty years, Bob ventured out in a series of remarkable trips from his Northwest home.

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