We’re all stuck at home trying to slow the spread of COVID 19. Our lives are disrupted and most things are closed including restaurants, bars, and the KBOO studio. Given these strange circumstances, this Food Show episode discusses strategies to address community food security and some tips on gardening and cooking while you’re home. This episode features interviews with:
- Holly Hutchison, Executive Director of the Portland Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition
- Marisha Auerbach of Permaculture Rising
- Christine Longmuir, owner of Two Rivers Bookstore
Links & Resources Mentioned on the Show:
CSA Directory: http://www.portlandcsa.org/csa-directory/?wpbdp_view=all_listings
Food Forests course: https://workspace.oregonstate.edu/course/Permaculture-Food-Forests
Permaculture Rising youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZS41E_VGmiJxSscmOTv9v1IVm-9Gavq
Midnight Chicken cookbook: https://www.tworiversbooks.com/book/9781408867761