Radiozine on 06/26/19



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Air date: 
Wed, 06/26/2019 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
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Host Jenna Yokoyama talks to Prof. Karina Moreno about the inhumane treatment of migrant children at detention centers. Prof Moreno is an associate professor at Hunter College's Department of Urban Studies at the City Universty of New York.She is a native of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and is the author of jacobin magazine articles such as “The Private Deportation Machine” as well as “Political Theater at the border”.


From Prof Moreno:

Here is the link to RAÍCES. This is the first place I donate to: 

Here is the Portland office of the Immigration Advocates Network, they coordinate volunteers and represent a number of immigrant causes, pro-bono:

Helping with existing refugee families in Portland:

Listeners can volunteer to help mentor immigrant youth through conversation, tutoring, helping serve meals, a number of different activities:

So whether it’s financially or through volunteering time, there are many ways to get involved that are suited for anyone with the wish and interest to help. 

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