Cecil and Celeste welcome Douglas Tsoi from the Portland Underground Grad School to talk about two upcoming courses that cover urgent issues in today's climate.
Structural racism is insidious in two particular ways. First, it is normalized and thus difficult to see, particularly for those who benefit from it. Second, although it is ubiquitous, and most of us believe racism is uniquely and singularly bad, we also see it as separate from us. This causes us to deny or downplay its significance. Big data reveals white supremacy and brings our structural inequities to light. By analyzing data sets from various sources—from online dating sites to scholarly research on the death penalty—we can see these issues in relief.
Plus...Reading Ta-Nehisi Coates:
An Urgent Conversation, A Renowned Author
No one writes about race in America like Ta-Nehisi Coates. To read him, to think with him, is to be confronted with pressing moral, cultural, and intellectual challenges. Join us as we engage these challenges, facing our history, politics and notions of justice through the lens of America's foremost writer on race.