We'll be talking with two authors, Janey Lovebomb and Cooper Lee Bombardier, who are contributors to the just-published anthology, 'Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Authors.'
Janey is a Portlander, and Cooper just moved away from Portland earlier this month. He'll be joining us by phone from Nova Scotia. Learn more about Cooper's work and art at http://www.cooperleebombardier.com.
"Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Twenty-five new science fiction and fantasy short stories by transgender writers from North America and Europe. Adding to the body of LGBT literature that straddles politics and entertainment, MEANWHILE, ELSEWHERE represents the arrival of an urgent new perspective in genre fiction."
Here is an interview with co-editor, Casey Platt, on assembling the stories for Meanwhile, Elsewhere; you can read a thoughtful review of Meanwhile, Elsewhere here.