Join Lyn and Ani for a Solstice check-in.
This is the time to soak up all the energizing sun power that we can possibly soak up: time to re-charge! We would love to discuss your ideas for rejuvenation and how you find balance between work, service, and joy.
With electro-ephemeris and tarot cards in hand, we are also ready to give mini-bite-sized readings to those that want them. If you have had a reading from Positively Revolting in this last year's cycle, we ask that you hold back and give someone else a chance.
Share you thoughts and ideas for summer fun, serious work what needs doing, and or get a reading.... so much to squeeze into one short hour!
The studio line is 503-231-8187
Remember, you can like us on facebook
and follow us on Twitter @PositiveRevolt