Shahid Buttar Bill or Rights Defense Committee and Bed Bugs in Portland, Oregon on the Digital Divide June 2010



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Air date: 
Fri, 06/11/2010 - 12:00am
Digital Divide on KBOO June 2010 Privacy Issues, Bed Bugs and more!
Hosted by: Dave DeAngelis, Rabia Yeaman
Digital Divide for June 2010

Tune in to the Digital Divide this Friday, June 11, 2010. Dave DeAngeles speaks with Shahid Buttar of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee regarding the ever increasing domestic surveillance techniques. How far are we willing to allow the government to document all of our movements and conversations in exchange for percieved security. Do full body scanners in Airports cross the line in regard to invading our personal privacy.

Rabia Yeaman interviews Chris Wirth at Multnomah County Public Health about a small but insidious topic keeping thousands of people awake at night: Bed Bugs. Learn what you need to know about this growing epidemic across the U.S and right here in Portland, OR.

Links to Bed Bug information

Multnomah County Public Health, Vector Control

Got bed bugs? Add your location to the registry.


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