Old Mole Variety Hour 26 August 2013



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Air date: 
Tue, 08/27/2013 - 12:00am
social security, money in politics, movie fruitvale station, terracide

Old Mole Variety Hour

Tom Becker hosts this episode of the Old Mole, which addresses popular deceptions and misconceptions about Social Security, money in politics, safety and policing, and climate change.

Bill Resnick talks with Max Richtman about Social Security

Clayton Morgareidge reads from and comments on David Graeber's Democracy Project about money's corrupting influence on language

Movie Moles Denise Morris and Jan Haaken discuss Fruitvale Station about the killing of Oscar Grant

Tom Becker reads from Tom Engelhardt about the planet-killing, climate-change-denying fossil fuel industries

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