Hosts Cecil Prescod and Celeste Carey speak with Jessie Klein, author of The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in America 's Schools. Based on extensive research and interviews with wide-ranging bullying victims, and backed by her decades of experience as a sociologist and educator, Klein uncovers the roots of bullying and its devastating results--from a rise in teen depression to the horrific school shootings. Klein says students learn—not only from other students, but also from teachers, coaches, parents, and other influential adults—that the drive to “get even” and the ability to fight back and win are essential to developing "character"—embedded in values associated with hyper self-reliance and independence.
JESSIE KLEIN, PhD, MSW, M.Ed., is Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at Adelphi University, where she specializes in school violence, friendship, gender, and society. Her work has appeared in USA Today,Newsday, and the New York Times, as well as many scholarly journals. During her more than twenty years in education, she also served as a teacher, school social worker, Acting Assistant Principal of Guidance, and social work professor.