Evening News - Occupy Portland - 11/09/2011



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Air date: 
Wed, 11/09/2011 - 12:00am
Interviews from the Occupy Portland live stream

Interviews from the Occupy Portland live stream (joined in progress).  Subjects include the Occupy Bagdad event, moving foreward, progress with the fire marshall; Sparks and Radar talk about the website, committees, Eyropean finacaial issues and personal lessons of the occupation; Donna Cohen one her class "Tax Reform for Dummies," Nadine from the information booth who is studying the occupation for her urban studies class;Cameron Whitten on an Iraq Veterans Against the War/Veterans for Peace function, the molotov cocktail incident and the Terry Schrunk Plaza expansion; Elmire talks about Yellow Brick Road and homeless youth, the possibility of occupying a foreclosed building & other ideas to help expand and advance the movement and the homeless issue; support for the Occupy Iowa movement intending to occupy the Iowa Caucus; Woody Broadnax who is running for US Congress district 3 as a Pacific Party candidate says "This is a civil rights struggle."

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