Palestine has long been one of the great silences in the official curriculum. In this segment, Jan Haaken talks with Bill Bigelow about the volume he has co-edited, Teaching Palestine: Lessons, Stories, Voices (2025), new from Rethinking Schools. The volume provides educators with tools to uncover the history and current context of Palestine-Israel in the classroom — poetry, personal narratives, interviews, role plays, critical reading and writing activities, and more. Teaching Palestine offers a defense of Palestinian humanity centering Palestinian lives, uplifting and celebrating Palestinians’ struggle for justice, and critiquing racism and inequality.
Image: Fair use book cover. Text: Teaching Palestine: Lessons, Stories, Voices. Edited by Bill Bigelow, Jesse Hagopian, Suzanna Kassouf, Adam Sanchez, and Samia Shoman. A Rethinking Schools Publication. Image: colorful drawing of two children in front of a field of flowers. One wears a keffiyeh and is petting the white dove the other holds.