This episode is hosted by Frann Michel and features these segments:
This segment is produced by Tim Rice of the Municipal Eco-Resiliency Project (MERP), which is working with Portland households to ramp up food production and advance food sovereignty and climate justice by developing a neighborhood-level network of urban farm cooperatives. We hear from Malcolm Shabazz Hoover and Daniel Grady about their work with the Black Futures Farm, part of the Black Food Sovereignty Coalition.
In this archive segment, Bill Resnick interviews Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith, who wrote the article “Leftists Need Holidays Too. Let’s Imagine Anti-Oppressive Ones.’’ They discuss how radicals are reinterpreting traditional holidays and also creating new holidays and celebrations. The interview concludes with an examination of how this reinterpretation and creation can not only foster community but also embed the ideas and understandings fundamental to radically democratic left commitments. Holmstrom-Smith’s article was first published online in Truthout on Christmas Eve of 2018.
In this archive segment, Joe Clement and special guest Dennis Gravy review the classic Christmas-time cartoon, A Charlie Brown Christmas. They consider anti-commercialism, alienation, cultural appropriation, white supremacy, and why the "workers revolution" that seems to promise an answer to Charlie Brown's problems falls flat. Dennis Gravy is a member of the Industrial Workers of the World and the Marilyn Buck Abolitionist Collective.