Public Forum
Building community networks of dignity and solidarity:
Indigenous language interpretation is a human right
Guests: Anna Beloo, Noel Morales, Saul Rivera - Endangered Languages Project
*** Date: Monday, Sept. 30, 2024 - International Translation Day ***
*** Time: 10am-12pm ***
* Where: Online - Zoom registration is required at:
https://bit.ly/IndigenousInterpretation *
Languages: English<->Spanish interpretation will be provided
Participating Organizations: Concejo de Pueblos Originarios Nueva York (NYC), Mixteco
Indigena Community Organizing Project (Oxnard, CA), International Mayan League
(Washington, DC), Pueblo Unido PDX (Portland, OR)
Event Organizer: The Endangered Languages Project (ELP)
Indigenous people and communities who have migrated to the US face discrimination and violations of their linguistic and human rights every day. This public forum will highlight the voices of grassroots Indigenous-led organizations doing the work of Indigenous language interpretation in communities around the US. Indigenous migrant communities have faced ongoing discrimination and violence for generations - and in the current anti-immigration climate in the US, their rights are increasingly violated and under attack.
Endangered Languages Project (ELP) is a US-based nonprofit organization supporting the revitalization of Indigenous and endangered languages around the world. ELP brings people together across borders and boundaries to address the urgent issue of language endangerment. By facilitating collaboration and building capacity among Indigenous, endangered, and/or minoritized language communities, ELP envisions a world where linguistic and humandiversity can thrive.
KBOO's Public Affairs Dept