Left and the Law: Kamala Harris



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Vice President Kamala Harris faces renewed scrutiny as calls intensify for Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race. Whatever the outcome of DNC jockeying and the fate of Biden, Harris has clearly risen in stature and is subject to considerable speculation before the August convention in Chicago.  In their Left and the Law segment, Mike Snedeker and Jan Haaken talk about the politics of Kamala Harris.  They discuss her positions as a prosecutor in San Francisco and later Attorney General in California before winning a Senate seat.  As an appellate attorney who for decades has represented people on death row in California, Mike shares his experience of working with Harris and his view of how her experience as a prosecutor shapes her politics.



Image: San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris speaking at an event in May 2010. She is wearing a dark suit, two strings of pearls, and is standing, facing partially to the left.  She is not smiling.  Photo by LAbaseballFan, FAL, via Wikimedia Commons.


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How Kamala Harris and Donald Trump compare on climate change:
Harris has said, “the urgency of this moment is clear.” Trump has called climate change a “hoax.”

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