'Doc' Ing Hay: Frontier Herbalist in John Day



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Air date: 
Tue, 05/19/2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Ing "Doc" Hay
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Kam Wah Chung
Crossing East excerpt about Oregon's Frontier Herbalist


In celebration of Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month...

Dmae Roberts and MediaRites presents her documentary "Ing 'Doc' Hay-Frontier Herbalist."  In in the dry sagebrush hills of Eastern Oregon, a thriving Chinatown emerged, thanks in large part to an unusual doctor named Ing Hay. His medical practice was located in a general store named the Kam Wah Chung in John Day, Oregon. This half-hour documentary is an excerpt  from the Peabody-award-winning Crossing East series. The eight-hour series was broadcast on more than 230 stations across the country. To hear the complete one-hour documentary on Doc Hay or to purchase downloads and CDs of the entire Crossing East series, visit the MediaRites Store.

Ing 'Doc' Hay-Frontier Herbalist documentary tells the unusual and significant story of Doc Hay and his business partner and friend Lung On who ran the Kam Wah Chung store and medical practice in a small Eastern Oregon town shortly after the Gold Rush and into the 1950's. Unlike other parts of the country where lynchings and massacres of Chinese immigrants were the norm, these two men were respected members of the community and are still remembered by John Day residents. For more information on the Kam Wah Chung, visit the Oregon State Parks Trust.

Acknowledgements: Professor Jeffrey Barlow, Professor Judy Yung, Ronald Takaki, Caretaker Carolyn Micnheimer, descendent Ed Wah, resident Thelma Kite.

Actors: Sam A Mowry, Andres Alcala, Chung So &  Jim Chan. Music by Cantonese Folk Music Society of San Francisco and  by Wong On Yuen.

Produced by Dmae Roberts Associate Producer Sara Casswell Kolbet, Editor: Catherine Stifter, Engineer: Clark Salisbury.

Ing 'Doc' Hay-Frontier Herbalisty was funded by the Oregon Council for the Humanities, the Regional Arts and Culture Council and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

Visit CrossingEast.org for more information on the series.

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