Host Karen James speaks with Emily Hawley, Senior Policy Associate with ACLU Oregon, who discusses “Solutions for Safe and Just Communities” a report she co-authored with Jessica Maravilla, that debunks the myths and misinformation about Measure 110. The report says Oregonians deserve real solutions and must oppose efforts to rollback Measure 110. ACLU urges lawmakers to support evidence-based solutions that prevent crime by addressing the root causes, like affordable housing, mental health and addiction services, and economic growth. When Oregonians approved Measure 110 in 2020, they voted against incarceration and harsher penalties for drug use and demanded access to drug treatment and housing. They said No to War-on-Drug policies and agreed that we cannot arrest our way out of homelessness, drug use or poverty.
ACLU Report https://www.aclu-or.org/en/campaigns/solutions-safe-and-just-communities
Measure 110 Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act https://www.oregon.gov/OHA/HSD/AMH/Pages/Measure110.aspx