Please join us on Monday, August 28th at 6:30 pm for Prison Pipeline on KBOO Community Radio as we talk with Kirk Charlton about his new book Art Inside Out. Art Inside Out is a twelve-lesson, self-directed art program with insights for a positive life. The original AIO consisted of in-person classes and has been used extensively in the Oregon State Correctional Institute as well as nursing homes, and mental health facilities with tremendous results.
Kirk Charlton is a formerly incarcerated adult and lifelong artist and creator. He values the endless benefits that the arts give us all. Art enabled Kirk to make a genuine transformation from feeling insignificant and having no value, to feeling valuable.
Prison Pipeline is a radio program dedicated to educating the public about the Oregon criminal justice system. Our goal is to present a unique understanding of the criminal justice system, address the root causes of crime, and challenge the status quo. We seek to promote awareness and activism in order to foster a safe, healthy, and just society. Tune in every Monday at 6:30 P.M. to hear our hosts Karen James, Adam Carpinelli, Emma Lugo, and Doug McVay explore the Oregon justice system with a variety of guests.
Links from Today’s Show:
Please feel free to connect with us with any questions, comments or suggestions at kbooppc@gmail.com
Kirk Charlton https://www.instagram.com/kirk.charlton/?hl=en
Art Inside Out https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/art-inside-out-kirk-charlton/1143840519