The walkout by Republican Senators during this 2023 Oregon legislative session leaves hundreds of bills in jeopardy. Two bills in limbo provide support and care for children and their incarcerated mothers. HB2731 would codify the Family Preservation Project of YWCA into Oregon Statute until 2031; HB2535 would create a doula program at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, Oregon’s only women’s prison. Host Karen James is joined by Jessica Katz, FPP/YWCA director, Vanessa Sherrod, peer wellness specialist with FPP and Alicia Roach, a doula and FPP alum. The Family Preservation Project (FPP) promotes individual and system level change to reduce the collateral consequences of parental incarceration on children, families, and the community.
HB2535 https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Measures/Overview/HB2535
HB2731 https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Measures/Overview/HB2731
Family Preservation Project https://www.ywcapdx.org/what-we-do/family-preservation-project/