Sarah Chivers speaks with Karen Morrison, a Black leader and educator in Vancouver with the non-profit "Odyssey World International Education Services." She is coordinating with the City of Vancouver to host an event on Juneteenth (June 17th, 1-7pm at Esther Short Park in Vancouver, Washington). Juneteenth is a federal holiday which celebrates the liberation of the last African American slaves in Texas by American soldiers in June of 1865. The event centers around the themes of freedom to have creative expression, achieve financial stability, access healthcare, acquire an education, participate in civic engagement, and celebrate heritages. The event is a multiracial and multiethnic with art, music, food vendors, and will also involve community outreach with Black Clark County residents to document the significant impact of covid on community. For more on the event visit: https://www.juneteenthfreedomcelebration.com/
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