The Gap: Recall Wheeler Campaign and the Neutrality of Mess



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Air date: 
Fri, 06/18/2021 - 8:00am to 9:00am


On this episode of the Gap, Tammy and Althea speak with two organizers from Total Recall PDX, which is organizing a campaign to recall Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler. Audrey Caines, the Campaign Manager, and Danny Cage, the Campaign Coordinator, join us to talk about the campaign, the reasons motivating the recall effort and what it would mean for Portland to remove its mayor. 

Then, we discuss cleanliness and mess. What if mess was morally neutral? What if cleaning didn't make you good or bad? Jumping off of a TikTok from creator @domesticblisters, we discuss the many implications and hangups we carry related to messiness and cleaning with the listeners. Unwrap the foil and you'll find sexism, classism and anti-Blackness in here. Maybe it's time to let some of it go.

Engineered by Sonia Battrell

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