Rain Gardens and Storm Water Management


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Air date: 
Mon, 12/08/2008 - 12:00am
Rain Gardens and Storm Water Management

 Host Glen Andresen welcomes Candace Stoughton, East Multnomah Soil and Conservation District rain garden specialist,  to discuss the possibility of using edible plants in a rain garden. Candace works on urban conservation issues with a current focus on sustainable stormwater management. She has expertise in low impact development methods that protect streams and rivers from urban stormwater runoff.

 When a landscape is covered in natural vegetation, most rainfall soaks into the ground. As we start adding roofs, driveways, sidewalks, and streets to the landscape, much of the rainfall can’t soak into the ground anymore.  This can create a lot of problems for people and for our streams.


Rain gardens hold stormwater runoff and allow it to soak into the ground naturally.  This  helps reduce the amount of pollution that gets into our streams.  It also maintains the natural hydrology so streams don’t go dry during dry spells.

Rain gardens are becoming “all the rage” because:

  1. Are an easy way for all of us to do our part to protect our streams and rivers.
  2. Are planted with beautiful, hardy, low-maintenance perennial plants.
  3. Provide food and shelter for birds, butterflies and beneficial insects.

Yes, you CAN plant edibles in your Rain Garden!  Listen in and find out how...



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