Old Mole Variety Hour for January 4, 2021



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Air date: 
Mon, 01/04/2021 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Today’s show is hosted by Norm Diamond and includes the following segments:

In Memoriam: Denise Morris introduces this interview from the Old Mole archive in which Bill Resnick talks with Leo Panitch about the 2008 crisis of capitalism and what opportunities for socialism could be found. Leo Panitch was a Marxist political scientist at York University and the author of many books and articles, most recently The Socialist Challenge Today, co-authored with Sam Gindin. Panitch died on December 19, 2020 of Covid 19, which he acquired in the hospital while being treated for cancer. This interview originally aired on March 29, 2009.

The Authoritarian Trend: As part of our continuing series Another World Is Possible, Norm Diamond looks at the world-wide trend toward increasing authoritarianism in the institutions of the State. Timothy Snyder’s On Tyranny and some of the work of Pippa Norris on cultural backlash provide insights even as they highlight limitations on academic understandings.

Community Energy: In this first part of a two part interview, Bill Resnick speaks with Al Weinrub who wrote the policy paper “Community Power: Decentralized Community Energy in California.” Weinrub makes the case that for humanity to survive global warming we need to move away from expensive and wasteful centralized systems designed to deliver corporate profits while contributing to exponential growth on this finite planet. In their place we need community systems that generate clean renewable energy and that operate in harmony with nature and its ecosystems.  

To hear the whole show, use the play button below; to listen to separate segments, follow the links above.

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