Rock and Roll


NEW in KBOO music library January 27, 2014

Adventure Galley Anywhere That's Wild Internet Piracy Alt Rock Against Me! Transgender Dysphoria Blues Total Treble Alt Rock Cibo Matto Hotel Valentine Chimera Alt Rock ... Read more

NEW in KBOO music library January 13, 2014

Epicycle You're Not Gonna Get It: 1978-81 HoZac Alt Rock First Base First Base! HoZac Alt Rock Kramies The Wooden Heart Hidden Shoal Alt Rock Perth What's ... Read more

NEW in KBOO music library January 6, 2014

Aa VOYAaGER Northern Spy Alt Rock Bipolaroid Twin Language Get Hip Alt Rock Caseworker, The Voices Out There Hidden Shoal Alt Rock Cloud Becomes Your Hand ... Read more

Top Ten Lists of 2013

KBOO Programmers list their top 10's for this year: Don's Top 10 Movin' On, 2 nd and 4 th Fridays 12 noon to 1:30pm In no particular order Dave Van Ronk: "Down In Washington Square" [Smithsonian/Folkways] John McCutcheon: "22 Days" [Appalsong] Si Kahn: "Bristol Bay" [Strictl... Read more

Songcircle Mashup Special

Airs at: Fri, 01/03/2014 at 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Produced for The Songcircle
This week on the Songcircle, guest host Sam explores the metagenre known as "mashup." This is the practice of combining the vocal track of one song with the instrumental track(s) of another. To the extent that the result is "transformative" of the sources, mashups are cover... Read more

NEW in KBOO music library December 30, 2013

Denio, Amy Prodigal Light Spoot Alt Rock Fortress Social Club Make Love Not Babies Fortress Alt Rock Frightwig Hit Return Self Released Alt Rock Public Image Limit... Read more

NEW in KBOO music library December 16, 2013

ARTIST TITLE LABEL GENRE Benedict Arnold And The Traitors Star Spangled Bummer Right Brain Alt Rock Dengue Fever Girl From The North Tuk Tuk Alt Rock Grizzly Bear ... Read more

NEW in KBOO music library December 9, 2013

ARTIST TITLE LABEL GENRE bEEdEEgEE SUM / ONE 4AD Alt Rock Black Sun Ensemble Behind Purple Clouds SlowBurn Alt Rock Crystal Antlers Nothing Is Real ... Read more

APA Compass: Simon Tam on The Slants' trademark case

Airs at: Fri, 12/06/2013 at 12:00am
Produced for APA Compass
Musician Simon Tam describes his ongoing legal action to trademark his band's name, "The Slants."  The US Patent and Trademark Office denied his applications on the grounds that the word is offensive, though approved hundred of other trademarks containing the same word. In... Read more

NEW in KBOO music library December 2, 2013

Aloa Input Anysome Morr Alt Rock Blood Orange Cupid Deluxe Domino Alt Rock Coliseum Sister Faith Temporary Residence Alt Rock Har-di-Har Hard Parent / Thic... Read more