5/25: Memorial Service for John Talley



Memorial and Celebration of Life for our friend and relative John Talley

Memorial and Celebration of Life for our friend and relative

John Talley


Friday May 25, 2012
2:30 pm to 6:30 pm


Native American Student and Community Center at PSU
710 SW Jackson, Portland, Oregon

The family of John Talley invite you to share in this tribute to his life, and the formidable mark he made with his radio show Indian World on KBOO since 1975. His legendary voice supported the Native community as well as musicians, poets and storytellers from all walks of life.

All are welcome. Potluck Feast and Ceremony.

The family requests all calls or questions be directed to the following:

  • Patricia Lenzi (John’s Niece): 1- 530-400-1546
  • Red Willow: 503-750-1174
  • Alice Gaut: 503-639-7552
  • Sande Bea Allman: 503-984-7303


Redwillow's picture

<p>Whoop, whoop, whoop!</p>
<p>Portland Native Community's own, Terry Cross, director of the National Indian Chikl Welfare Association and long-time friend of John Talley will emcee the event.</p>
<p>Sande Bea Allman, cultural expert and Community leader is handling the protocol, ceremony and feast; she and her parents were John's friends, too.</p>
<p>Native musicians have sent music and local Native veterans will offer a song to honor Mohawk elder and Korean war veteran, John Talley.</p>
<p>The whole Community is coming together to put this on and it's going to be beautiful...Come one, come all.</p>

<p>&nbsp;The Oregonian ran a short obit by Mike Francis on John Talley today, Wednesday, May 23.&nbsp;</p>
<p><a href="http://blog.oregonlive.com/oregonatwar/2012/05/life_of_john_talley_host_...

<p>More, very interesting, press on John.</p>
<li><a href="http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2012/05/24/mohawk-world-mourns... World to Honor John Houston Talley, Radio Host, Veteran and Mentor to Many</a>, <em>Indian Country Today Media Network</em>. May 24, 2012.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.arigonstarr.com/wordpress/?p=229">The Late, Great John Talley of KBOO-FM</a> by Arigon Starr, <em>Diva News</em>. March 27, 2012.</li>