Hello! Welcome to the newly scrubbed clean KBOO.fm.
Our website is now safe again for you to visit, enjoy and make donations to KBOO.
What happened? Long story short, the website was infected with malware, which most likely happened after my work computer was infected. How did I get infected? I wish I knew.
5/9/2011 - We suffered a javascript injection attack. What this does is puts hidden forwarding links to blacklisted sites in our content. Of course, those blacklisted sites could contain malware.
One thing I learned from the episode is that you can't just rely on one anti-virus software, because the commercial software on my computer missed the malware. You need to have anti-malware software as well.
You may have heard rumors that we were hacked. Not true. Just infected.
So please run your anti-virus software and think about getting an ad-ware or mal-ware checker as well. Please!
So... What bit ya?
<p>What was the Name of the Malware that infected the 'BOO? </p>
Not entirely sure...
<p>Roger removed the malware from the website, and I don't know what he removed. </p>
<p>I do know that my work computer had 5 or 6 trojans, plus some other malware which had infected my computer on Wednesday. But I didn't write them down. I just wanted them gone.</p>
So, what, exactly, was it that infected us?
<p> It would be helpful to the KBOO Community that uses the Web Site to know what those Trojans were called, so we can check our systems for them, too.</p>
Steve - If you have a Windows
<p>Steve -</p>
<p>If you have a Windows computer, check your systems NOW. To my mind, it's much less important the name of the trojan as it is to be trojan-free.</p>
<p>My recommendation to anyone in the KBOO Community who uses a PC with the Windows operating system and/or regularly uses Internet Explorer is that they should be screening for malware every day with both an anti-virus and an anti-malware application. Anti-virus software alone is not enough. </p>
<p>They shouldn't wait to find out if they caught it/them from KBOO.fm -- they should remove the malware.</p>
<p>I'm afraid that on Friday I was much more concerned with disinfecting the website and no longer exposing the communtiy to harm rather than jotting down the names of the malware.</p>
<p>I'll let you know the list of trojans and other malware if Roger has it available, and if I have logs on what was removed from my work computer, I'll post those as well. </p>
And any KBOO users who have a Mac...
<p>sleep peacefully. Heh heh heh... </p>
and linux too!
one of the best benefits to using linux in a windows world.
javascript injection - no trojans
<p>I just got a response from Roger -</p>
<p>"It wasn't a Trojan attack; it was a javascript injection attack, which did nothing but put hidden forwarding links to blacklisted sites in our content. There was no bad software put on the server."</p>