Draft Agenda 1/25/10 meeting
Meeting of the KBOO Board of Directors
January 25, 2010 6 pm
*Alternate Location 12 SE 14th Men's Resource Center btwn Burnside and Ankeny
Draft Agenda
Introductory Matters
- KBOO House Rules--How We Treat Each Other
- Board Member Check-In
- Public Comments
- December Minutes Approval
New Board Member Appointment--Introductions and Closed Session Interviews and Deliberation
- Conflict of Interest Law
Committee Matters
- Conflict Resolution--Committee Appointment?
- Engineering Committee Report--Louis Sowa
- Personnel/Governance Committee--Board Liason Roles See Attachment
Three Words to Describe Who We Are
Closed Session--
- Personnel Matters
- Litigation Update
- Contract Matters
General Announcements--
- Web Coordinator
- Former Board Member Card
- Next Meeting Date--February 22
- Food Sign up List who is on for March?
I think it's really great
I think it's really great that you're publicizing the agenda in advance of the meeting. And I also think it's great that you're asking for printed copies of public comments for inclusion in the minutes. I like that you're putting out requests for what to put on the agenda, too. I also like that you're addressing what's being said on the blogs instead of ignoring it and sweeping it under the rug.But there are some things that I would do differently with January's agenda.
Since you asked what items should be on the agenda.....I propose that someone at the next meeting should encapsulate (on the chalkboard?) a list of KBOO problems that people want changed, including a proposed solution. For example, I could cite "in-house censorship" as a problem, and I think the solution is to "not censor." And we can then discuss the matters one at a time, after the list is complete.What's great about this is that it will mean that KBOO's problems won't fester anymore until they get worse and worse. And, everyone can contribute to the list on an equal playing field without being judged or discriminated against. What happens after such a list is formulated is another thing, but getting everything on the table is the least we can do. I volunteer to write everything down (provided that nothing comes up and I make it to the meeting).We could make categories like.....what we want to see changed in ......KBOO culture; KBOO policy: KBOO processes....etc. We all pretty much know that the Chinese word for "crisis" is also the word for "opportunity." I think that if anything, making such a list is an opportunity to be pro-active and treat each other humanely and with respect.And keep at what you're doing, it's a step in the right direction, and leadership. Yvette
Thanks Yvette. I wrote a
<P>Thanks Yvette. I wrote a reply to this yesterday, but don't know what happened to it.</P>
<P>My main goal for this month's meeting is to see if we can fill the vacant position on the board. To discuss the applicants, we'll go into closed session. I don't want to put that off until the end of the meeting.</P>
<P>Because we've been bumped by the membership drive from our regular meeting space, there won't be a lot of room for spectators. I don't think this month will be a good time for the type of large group discussion you propose. I am hoping to follow-up on a suggestion made by Rabia at last month's meeting--to start talking about KBOO's identity in terms of 3 key words. I'm hoping to hear from the board members about this and am not sure how much time there will be for everyone else to chime in. </P>
<P>We'll have time for public comments, but if people have specific proposals for board action that will require substantial discussion time, it is best if they present it through a committee, staff or one of the board members to be included on the regular agenda.</P>