Five Minutes Sweetness




                                          Five minutes sweetness

                             An hour poked in the eye---

                                  Ahh-- Television!                      B.L.





Dear Barbara LaMonticella:

Due to my schedule, I am not always able to listen to Talking Earth while it is on the air. Will there one day be
archives (Audio and written transcripts) made available to
the public like what is done by the program Democracy now? I am a writer who can't always be by the radio.

Thank you for all that you do!

Ron Marshall

Hi Barbara,

I, too, would appreciate a podcast of your show that can be listened to at will. Please let us know when that feature will be available. Thanks!

I'm with Ron: it would be ever so cool to find all the Talking Earth interviews & readings here on KBOO's web-site. My current work schedule prevents me from at least the first half of Talking Earth. Last week I was beside myself with grief,disappointment & regret when I realized I missed the Talking Earth telephone interview with Sharon Doubiago!! BarbaraBarbaraBarbara !!, please get archived - the morality of the world depends on it Sanguinely, Toby Fent