October 12, 2007



October 12, 2007

<p>There's now a few easy ways to get involved with our website:</p>
<p><strong>If you're a programmer or producer who would like training</strong>, there is now a sign-up sheet posted in the station lobby in the trainings section.&nbsp; You can also <a user="" contact="">email me</a> with your name, phone number, and available times.&nbsp; I'll be training people one-on-one mostly, so trainings will happen in the order people sign up.</p>
<p><strong>If you would like to volunteer some of your time to help with our web efforts</strong>, there is a sign-up sheet posted in the station lobby in the volunteer section.&nbsp; You can also <a user="" contact="">email me</a> with any specific elements you would like to help with and your any web or computer-related skills you have.&nbsp; (Its okay if you don't have any!)&nbsp; We are reforming a web group responsible for developing the website, training others, and improving our online presence.&nbsp; You will be added to our email list where our next meeting will be announced.</p>