Iokepa and Inette



Tillicum Wawa to Interview Iokepa and Inette
Felicia (Eugene's daughter), Iokepa and Inette

On Thursday, November 25, Thanksgiving Day in the U.S., from 10 to 11am PST, "Tillicum Wawa: Voices of the People" will be interviewing Iokepa and Inette. We will be discussing Inette's new book "Grandmother's Whisper," and talking with them both about their Return Voyage program. We will also be discussing Hawaiian culture, its preservation, sacred sites, etc.

So, tune in on Thursday, November 25, for a special "Tillicum Wawa" for an interview with Iopkea and Inette from 10 to 11am on KBOO, 90.7fm. KBOO can also be found on the web at and listened to online.


Redwillow's picture

<p>What fun we had this morning on Tillicum Wawa! Lively discussion and music, chanting and ukelele playing...</p>
<p>Truly, there was a mixture of people! We had a man in his 20's and one almost 80. I loved that a strong native woman led the show with her son sitting in, playing ukelele before he heads off to adventure on the Islands.</p>
<p>John Talley honored us with a rare appearance at the station and told a couple of great stories.</p>
<p>We had a chance to talk with our friends, Iokepa, Hawiian spirtiual leader of the Return Voyage and his wife, Inette a gifted writer and journalist.</p>
<p>They were wonderful to have on the show sharing their thoughts on sacred sites, and other topics as well as excerpts from Inette's new book of memoirs,"Grandmothers Whisper".</p>
<p>Emily totally rocked at engineering the show, so adaptable and professional!</p>
<p>I hope everyone listening enjoyed it as much as I did co-hosting it with you and Shusli!</p>