Board and Staff Present: Chris Merrick, Erin Brand, Judy F, Jim Craven, Marty S, Becky C, Kurt, Louis, Ani, Ivonne, Maire, John M
Public Present: Per F, Susan E, Glen O,Yvette M, Devin R, Paula S, Kathy B, Keller H, Alicia O
6-7:15 Closed Session
7:30 pm Check in
Food Thanks Jim Craven!
Public Input:
Paula Small - thanking the board for taking the time to be diligent on issues at hand.
Strategic Planning report
Board looking into getting a budget for strategic planning which will mean going into surplus budget. PARC was interviewed several folks in a workgroup; Ani, John, Debbie, Louis, Erin, Kathleen, and Judy F. Workgroup liked PARC b/c of prior work with tribal communities, and other equally passionate organizations. PARC was also clear with goals, and seemly deliberate with intended movement of those goals. They know about the station.
Ani liked that they objectively listen and know about highly polarized environments. PARC have worked and are comfortable working with arts and culture groups.
Judy moved that we adopt the contract. Erin seconds it. Erin introduces the budget, stating if we did it now the deficit would be over 90,000 thousand. Erin thinks that we should spend the money, and try something new. Ani adds that Stan from PARC cut the initial price from 21,000 to 18,000.
Per isn’t convinced that we can’t ulitize volunteers we have the to do it for free
Board would pick members at large - Paula clarified that this is not a goal but a milestone.
There has to be buy in on all levels of communities within the organization. Chris wonders if we can do fundraising or submit grants to offset the cost. Chris also wonders if the plan is to help us market KBOO and programming better or do we want to change it? Ani responds that PARC understands that the programming was the product and he doesn’t want to change that. The focus will be on on marketing and how we raise money. Kurt wants to know how long that focus will take with manpower. Erin feels as if we need outside assistance - it’s good to have someone with an outside perspective. Ivonne asked what PARC's definition of Stakeholders of KBOO? Judy answered Members, Listeners, Supporter, Board Members, and Staff. Maire wants to know what steps were taken to ensure that volunteers could - Ivonne would like to add listeners from all genres, she hopes that all will have that consideration.
Judy Moves that the board authorizes KBOO to sign a contract with PARC to engage the service to implement a strategic plan, with a $19,000 cap starting Aug 19th
- 6 in favor
- 4 opposed
Deena moves that the Boards gets an in depth report from the work group in 3 months to look at the goal plan
- Unanimous
Board members appointed to the Workgroup
- Deena
- Erin
- Judy
- Kurt
For the meeting in Sept.
Received a Petition to change the bylaw, but the petition was not signed with enough signatures, and they weren’t all members. Yvette is asking what is required. Chris referred them to an attorney for the answer.
Erin - Election Update- meeting is Sept 19th at Mt Tabor. Lots of stuff to do
Ani and Rebecca are working on the online forum. 12 candidate forum - 6 on one night, 6 on the other. 6&8 of Sept, 7-8pm Ani will handle it. Andrew will post information about the event for the web. Erin will email Becky who will email Ani.- but not responsible for content. Maire will sign up for food. Ani will scout the location 54th and Belmont. Ani wants to have a forum for the bylaw proposals. Erin would like a pro/con statement. Ani would like to keep it between issues, and not the candidates.
Maire has not been or participated in board meetings for the last three months.
Jim moves not to take the vote, Ivonne seconded it.
Engineering workgroup responsibility
This is parallel to Programing committee - goals can be set by the board, which is a monthly meeting. Outlined is the work being done, and the responsibility. “that” in the first sentence should be removed. It would be policy 64... . Section C section 2 is creating a rule for engineering. This will create a larger pool of engineers. The hope is to have a pool of folks to train. Ani wonders the difference between the naming of a workgroup vs a committee. Calling it a open committee for not standing for the board. This workgroup is in addition to the workgroup. If it’s a open group people with a skill set can be involved. Would folks need to be trained again. Keller’s asking about which group will be doing the work, and how can someone with no skill set get on the workgroup. What is the purpose of two groups?
Erin would like to make a motion to adopt the engineering workgroup responsibilities, which entails a workgroup, and the disbandment of the committee.
Becky seconds it.
Deena Abstained
- 9 in favor.
Lawsuit update - report sent out last Friday Retained same Lawyer for Michael P.
Cheapest solution would be to file briefs on both parts, that a judge will rule on.
Haven’t heard back from Michael P, our insurance will cover it with a $10,000 deductible. Web Coordinator position should be filled tomorrow. No change in Scott F issue. Staff is still discussing management issues.
Organizing two meetings between programmers, listeners, and staff. Look at the Pittman criteria for programming. Sept 11th, and 17th And also an online survey.
Staff and Board with Finance should get together to go over each line of the budget report. Informational presentation, so that the board can move forward. 6:30 Finance retreat at 7pm on a Wednesday.
Meeting closed 10:04pm